I feel @BadEye answered my questions already, but maybe just a quick summary…
The original post was about why Demiplane would focus effort and resources on a character builder FIRST, before community content or other functionality when there are already other resources freely available, not why should they bother making one at all.
I’ll paraphrase what I took out of the answer, so if I’m mistaken, absolutely reclarify, but the answer was twofold: Pathfinder has a very robust character creation system, and if they can build a character builder for it successfully, they can use that as a template for most of the other RPG systems they partner with and only need to do some minor tweaking to make it work for them, saving a ton of time and resources. The second part is that they absolutely will have community content, but they want to get the character builder fleshed out more before putting in that functionality, which makes a lot of sense considering, in my mind, how much longer the character builder is going to take to complete versus how much time organizing forums and adding content tabs will take.
If you’d like my personal opinion on these choices, you can keep reading, but I definitely consider the thread answered, and that those are valid points, especially given that this Thread is in the Character Tools Feedback and not in the General Discussion.
My personal opinion is that this character builder for Pathfinder will be an enormous benefit for new players as soon as it’s up. People can buy their books and immediately begin plugging them into characters, and then use those characters for whatever else they put in Nexus. That’s awesome for them and for Pathfinder and Demiplane for the revenue it generates. But, as a person who has already gotten most of the books, I would have definitely rather had a centralized forum for community submissions, or some other functionality, first. Until they put in place something like the piecemeal purchases like D&DBeyond had, which I am absolutely certain is coming as well, I’m definitely not spending another 34.99 just so I can make my character a Cook. I don’t personally see a benefit for me.
I absolutely realize that not everything is about me, which is why I asked the reasoning behind doing the character builder FIRST before extra Hub content, and the response I got answered that. And, the faster they can get their Character Builders up for every system, the faster they can encourage new players to spend money on books, and the faster they can incorporate those characters into other functionality, to draw in even more players. And, once they have the templates up, they can move towards things like piecemeal content for every game system, which is a huge benefit to players, Demiplane, and the respective system owners.
I realize there are already a ton of forums and community sites out there already, but I didn’t see why it would be more beneficial to put a community hub on the backburner while they fleshed out a character builder, when even just google searching a character builder returns a very functional and updated version versus trying to find a good forum site away from Nexus. Now I know the reasoning behind the decision.
Again, just my opinion to a thread that I already consider answered, so take with all the salt you wish!