When we received the codes for the Monster Core book, I had issues with getting my key. We solved it with a little mailing back and forth, however, I got the notion that I actually wasn’t eligible for the book, as I had gotten my Beastiary PDF through HumbleBundle.
So now I have two questions:
- Did I get that right - and if I did, I think it’s worth mentioning in your communication to us, where the boudnaries to eligibility are
- If I got it wrong - phew
Then I assume that all should be good on my part to receive a Core 2 code (as I got the APG PDF at Paizo from a few different angles. Three HumbleBundle packages and Roll20 :))
//Casper (Novaree)
If you got the book via Humble Bundle, it should include a key that you would use to unlock the content on the Paizo site. Note: This is not the Paizo site, Demiplane is not run by Paizo.
On the Demiplane site, you should have your account linked to your Paizo account. Ownership of the pdf on the Paizo site will reduce the cost of the same content on Demiplane.
Ownership of the pdf does not grant you instant access to the content on Demiplane though, no.
Hi @sklore_jp,
Thank you for reaching out 
I take this entirely on my: I was not about already owning the APG (and Beastiary and Core Rulebook) as PDFs on Paizo. Of course, that is a prerequisite 
I’m specifically regfering to this comment by @MellieDM: Pathfinder Remaster Program Update - Monster Core and Player Core 2 - #22 by MellieDM
Long story short, as I read it, if you own APG (on Paizo) then you are eligible to a free upgrade, as was the case with the Core Rulebook and Gamemastery guide - and also for the Beastiary, however, this was where I ran into ‘questionable eligibility’ as it was registrerede as coming from a HumbleBundle.
So, that is in essence what I’m seeking clarity over: is owning a PDF with Paizo, purchased through HumbleBundle, invalidating your eligibility for Upgrade codes 
Hope that clarifies what I’m seeking an answer for 
I could be remebering wrong, do seem to recall Mellie saying the PC2 will be unlocked via a code in a e-mail, which is manually send to egibile people.
This means the code been send out will be impacted by Gencon due to been done manually.
Oh yes, I benefitted from those programs.
You had to own the content that was listed in the announcement on Demiplane.
Basically… if you had purchased the Advanced Players Guide on Demiplane, they didn’t want you to feel hard done by because you jumped in early with Demiplane and purchased content that was going to be upgraded with a new book around the time that the new Demiplane character tool was launching. Ie you purchased content that you never really had a chance to use in their fancy new tools.
So it had nothing to do with Roll20 or technically Paizo. It was if you had purchased on Demiplane. Remembering though that Demiplane purchase either requires or includes the pdf. So yes you would own the pdf on Paizo, but that was not the pre-req for this update. You had to have invested in Demiplane.
Humble Bundle has no link to this at all other than it would have unlocked the pdf on your Paizo account and reduced the cost for you to purchase the content on Demiplane which would have made you eligible for the free upgrade.
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Exactly. That’s also mentioned in my previous link to the Forum.
However, I’m still curious about my eligibility question and would really like an Admin reply: are PDFs at Paizo, bought through HumbleBundle, eligible for the free update codes?
Not an admin, just a user. I don’t know if knowing this would help you at all, but everything I have in my Paizo account I bought through several Humble Bundle bundles, and from every product I got in my Paizo account (adventures, main rulebooks, Lost Omens books) I get a discounted price for them in Demiplane. What I really don’t know is if buying NOW the APG or Bestiary 1 in Demiplane (at the discounted price because you have them on Paizo) would entitle you to the PC2 amb MC. I think the Remaster Program Update had a time limit.
That’s ok, I got the books years ago 
I also get the rebate, but I’m still really curious if the APG still triggers a freebie code or not, if it’s from HumbleBundle 
The answer is no.
This is demiplane. It has nothing to do with humble bundle. Owning the pdf on paizo has nothing to do with demiplane either other than its a pre req set by paizo in their licensing agreement for purchaisng the same content on demiplane.
I know its not the answer you are looking for. But demiplane are doing something nice for their customers and humble bundle is a conpletely different company.
All of the remaster program to this point has been around the owning of content on demiplane.
Yah I think my memory is playing tricks on me. So I’m off to ordering PC2 
Update: And after I buy the book, I notice that I already had the APG here as well. Oh well 
I have doubts about whether I will receive the APG for the purchase of the PC2 or if they are completely independent purchases
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I’m guessing there is currently, or will be soon, an automatic 100% discount on one of the books when you put both in the shopping cart, similar to Monster Core / Bestiary for example.
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Well, I ended up just buying PC2 to my players to enjoy (even though I had the APG both here on Nexus and as PDF with Paizo). So an extra buck or two for Demiplane, which is perfectly fine 
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And yet I wonder if my PaizoSync is broken again. No PC2 PDF on “PaizoDrive” (Paizo’s Digital Content page :)). Anybody else has this issue?
Had this issue. You can force the sync update from the Demiplane’s side in Account Settings > Sync Accounts > Paizo Connect > Refresh Sync. This made the book showed up for me.
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I am such a buffoon. I could have tried that myself, and did absolutely not think of it 
Weekend. Now. Definitely! And thank you for showing me the way, @demafromua