A trio of one-shots aimed at PF2e Newbs! FULL

System: Pathfinder 2.0 Remaster rules
Open Slots: 4
Requirements: working microphone, a free demo version of Fantasy Grounds Unity
Nice-to-haves: Wanting to have fun and learn a new system
Time and Frequency: 7-11 PM EST Friday Dec. 8th/ Dec. 15th/ Dec. 22nd
Platform: Fantasy Grounds Unity & Guilded
Hello there!
I’m interested in running a trio of first level one-shots with five pre-made characters.
A really fun way to get a taste of the system in my opinion and you’d also get a taste of playing with the new Remaster rules!
Let me know how many of you would be interested and we’ll try and have a blast together!

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I’m interested!
This is the first I’ve heard of a free version of Fantasy Grounds, but I’ve had the Unity version on my Steam wishlist for a while. Is “Guilded” something about FG or a separate thing?

The demo of fantasy grounds is actually the full system, so you can connect to a host with FGU ultimate with just the demo.

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Hi Keovar!
Very happy you’re interested!
Can I ask how familiar you are with PF2e and if you’d be available for all sessions?
Like Cereal replied, there is a free demo version of FGU you can install allowing you to play with Ultimate licence owners like myself.
Also, Guilded is a (in my opinion) better version of Discord.

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Did you have any interest in the one-shots yourself, Cereal?

I just read your reply on my other thread!
My first question is answered and it’s perfect!
You’re exactly who those one-shots were made for.
That little campaign is moving along quite well and yes, I’ll keep you in mind if I ever lose a player.

I’ve played PF1 and I run D&D, but am new to PF2. I did find and download the demo for FG Unity, and I’ll check out Guilded.

My fridays are spoken for, unfortunately.

Fantastic! Here’s the link to my server: Guilded - Chat for Gaming Communities

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That’s too bad for me!

I’m already down to my last spot!

I’ve found people. Thank you!

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