System: Pathfinder 2.0 Remaster rules
Open Slots: 4
Requirements: working microphone, a free demo version of Fantasy Grounds Unity
Nice-to-haves: Wanting to have fun and learn a new system
Time and Frequency: 7-11 PM EST Friday Dec. 8th/ Dec. 15th/ Dec. 22nd
Platform: Fantasy Grounds Unity & Guilded
Hello there!
I’m interested in running a trio of first level one-shots with five pre-made characters.
A really fun way to get a taste of the system in my opinion and you’d also get a taste of playing with the new Remaster rules!
Let me know how many of you would be interested and we’ll try and have a blast together!
I’m interested!
This is the first I’ve heard of a free version of Fantasy Grounds, but I’ve had the Unity version on my Steam wishlist for a while. Is “Guilded” something about FG or a separate thing?
The demo of fantasy grounds is actually the full system, so you can connect to a host with FGU ultimate with just the demo.
Hi Keovar!
Very happy you’re interested!
Can I ask how familiar you are with PF2e and if you’d be available for all sessions?
Like Cereal replied, there is a free demo version of FGU you can install allowing you to play with Ultimate licence owners like myself.
Also, Guilded is a (in my opinion) better version of Discord.
Did you have any interest in the one-shots yourself, Cereal?
I just read your reply on my other thread!
My first question is answered and it’s perfect!
You’re exactly who those one-shots were made for.
That little campaign is moving along quite well and yes, I’ll keep you in mind if I ever lose a player.
I’ve played PF1 and I run D&D, but am new to PF2. I did find and download the demo for FG Unity, and I’ll check out Guilded.
My fridays are spoken for, unfortunately.
That’s too bad for me!
I’m already down to my last spot!
I’ve found people. Thank you!