Actions icons not showing, and coinage icons broken

It seems something has gone wrong with the action icons, as they’re currently invisible:

This is common across browsers and is the same across the compendium content, though they do show up ok on the character sheet.

In addition, the icons for the different coin sizes are also broken in the character builder and character sheet:

Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 15.19.30

Thanks for reporting this! We’re working on a fix. :slight_smile:

Seems like the network request for the svg, for example reaction.svg actually returns a broken png image, even though it points to an svg…

So I guess your CDN is supplying this mess for some reason.

Also your Sidebars CSS is wonky, the background of the most outer <li> gets set to rgba(255,255,255,0.08) on hover, which results in floating, barely readable list elements.


Those should be easily fixable, sadly they make the user experience arguably worse, since I can’t tell which feats grant actions or not while reading trough the player core and I much enjoy the work you have done to make the books easily readable on oh so many screen sizes.

Is there an official way where bugs should be reported or is the forum the right place ?

Anyway, thanks for the great work and I hope my post is perceived as helpful and not probing :slight_smile:

The forum is the right place!

We’ve got a fix for the svg loading issue in the works. We’ll take a look at the other issue you mentioned - is that screenshot from a phone?

Thanks for the update!

The Screenshot is from a PC, newest Chrome Version.

The Window is resized below 1080px, I have a portrait oriented screen for reading.

Great, thanks for that information. We’ll take a look at it. :slight_smile:

Both of those issues should be resolved now.


Hi Joshua,
FYI, the problem still persists here on my iPad/Safari…

The CSS on the sidebar is resolved, but the CDN Problem, the misssing action icons, still persists even after clearing cache and to be sure it fetches a new image.

Ah yes, sorry. The issue with currency svgs is resolved. Action icons are still in progress. :slight_smile:

Haven’t seen it mentioned, but I’m pleased to notice that the action icons are back!

Yes, we rolled that fix out late in the day yesterday. :slight_smile: