Adding Charmed Tv-Show as a Game on Demiplane as a way to play as scholar witches

hey Demiplane i wanna know if there’s a way for you to create a game of charmed Tv show Into a game where you can play as Witches,Whitelighters,the sources rank/Army,and The Source himself also maybe “Doctor Who”,as well?

Our current focus is not on developing our own tabletop games, but I’m sure someone out there has probably put some thought into a Charmed TTRPG.

I know for a fact that there is a Doctor Who tabletop roleplaying game, but that is not a game that we currently support on Demiplane. If you’re interested in seeing digital support from us for a game that isn’t currently on the platform, we’d encourage you to politely tell the publisher of that game that you like what we do and would love to see their game on Demiplane. :slight_smile: