Affix a Talisman

we just started to use Demiplane for our Pathfinder campaign and my players really liked to use the sheet :slight_smile: But they also had a few questions and I thought I place them here:

  • Is there a way to affix a Talisman to another item (weapon, armor) at the moment? (f.e. a Fear Gem)
  • Should the bonus of “Deadly Simplicity” be calculated within the sheet? Or do we have to do this manually at the moment?
  • Will temporary effects of spells be calculated in the future and if so, can you say when this will come? (f.e. Mage Armor)
  • Have you planned for the currency to convert automatically? (e.g. if I subtract 3 silver from one gold, the silver will not go into negative, but the gold will be divided instead)
  • Can you estimate how long it will take until the familiars are available?

Thank you :slight_smile:

I’ll try to answer these questions for you:

  1. There is not a way to attach Talismans at the moment. We do support runes, but since a Talisman has to be activated, that’s something we’d consider a “temporary effect” since the bonus isn’t consistent.
  2. The Deadly Simplicity damage die increase needs to be calculated manually right now. I don’t think that will always be the case, but there’s some additional work that needs to be done before we can do that automatically.
  3. Long term we plan to support temporary effects, but we don’t have a timeline we can share for that at this time.
  4. We have plans for currency calculations and purchasing items, and we’ll likely start implementing pieces of this in the coming months.
  5. Support for Familiars and Pets should go live tomorrow, barring any unexpected roadbumps. :slight_smile: