Alien content sharing / character generation / BBW


First up…when? After a year or being a member and buying the books on Demiplane it still not useful to share content with players for alien from a GM perspective. Primarily this is because FL combine the player info and the dm info into a single book (not your fault!).

If those sections could be separate via permissions somehow that would be great. As it stands, I haven’t taken out a sub to share content because I’d be sharing the adventures the players are playing.

Also - character generator?

I know you want more… so Building better worlds… is out in pdf… and its awesome… i’d love to see that online soon. I don’t want to finish running alien before Demiplane is useful.

A bunch of the random gen tables in the books would be handy too - to generate a system or job with the click of a button. An npc generator would be great as well. I know these exist on a bunch of other websites, but it’d be good to have it all in one place for a gm.

Love your work, not trying to sound critical here. It’s just been ages and I’ve been putting Alien off with my group waiting for this stuff to be operational.

Hello, and thanks for posting.

Now that the character tools part of our platform is fully operational, we are adding character builders and digital character sheets for new games at a rapid pace.

Pathfinder entered beta at the end of May, and since that time, we’ve released those tools for Avatar Legends and Vampire: The Masquerade, with Marvel incoming (very) soon, and one more new game that we are announcing this week. That’s five games in nearly as many months, and we don’t see that velocity really slowing down as we head into 2024.

While I can’t share 100% final details on ALIEN, I can say that A) our team loves the game and have been very anxious to work on the character tools for it for a while and B) it is on our short list (right now it would be in the next couple of games we would bring to life).

Caveating that the priority order is subject to change, I wouldn’t be surprised to see ALIEN character tools in Q1 of next year (and that’s only because we’ll have the holiday break coming in barely over a month from now).

Not too much longer, and we’ll share across all our channels when we have it ready to go.


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Thanks for the update.

TBH the part that would most assist for me would be the ability to share each sourcebook but have the adventure separated and hidden from players. Core books chapters 11,12,13. In CMOM the missions and black site info should be hidden too (chapter 8,9,10). Just put a big [redacted] sign on it that stinks of corporate. I’m not sure about BBW yes as i havent read it all. It seems that the last half of the books is more Dm oriented. Coming from a world of DND where every player knows every single monster strength and weakness its great to have them encounter things they know nothing about.

IMHO Players should only have access to player character info (Talents etc), gear and how to play. History and systems info too I guess - like the organisations and politics. Perhaps just being able to mark chapters as player or dm viewable would suit all types of gm.


Any update on maybe splitting the content sharing of Alien books so that the GM chapters are hidden? Mechanically it might not be possible but it’d be nice!

Not at this time, thanks for checking in!