Made a character with the character builder and was exploring how advancements worked. I cannot find a way to remove the gained advancement now.
Hi Superwas!
While you can’t undo cashing in your growth points for an advancement, you can manually adjust the total number of advancements you have, which should do about the same thing.
While in the character builder, navigate to the Growth section, then click the cogwheel in the top right of the middle section.
In there, there’s a textbox for adjusting the number of advancements. If you input -1 there, you should go back down to 0 advancements available, and you’ll still be able to cash in growth for an advancement later with no negative impact to the experience.
Hope that helps!
Additional note: “Take a New Move from Your Playbook” is not allowing me to “remove” it.
This appears to be a glitch when you advance from the character sheet. Appears to occur regardless of advancement used. Tested a few dummy characters.