Bank accounts outside US for receiving payments

Couldn’t find this information elsewhere so apologies if it’s been addressed already. Currently it looks like you only support receiving tips/payments to US based bank accounts.

Are there plans to support payouts to banks in other countries? I’m specifically interested in Canada but good to know about others too. I know you just made purchasing available to more countries so I’m hoping receiving for paid games comes soon too.

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Great question! International payments are currently available for Pathfinder Nexus pre-orders, but they will also be added for paid games and tipping sometime early next year!


This is great news, due to my Paizo sync there are some advantages for me to buy in here. However South Africa is not on the country list.

Hi elucidax! The list of countries that you see is what our payment provider natively supports, but any country can be chosen to complete the transaction. Feel free to go in and complete the transaction with any country you’d like and it should work. :slight_smile:

Not sure if this has been answered elsewhere yet, but it still doesn’t seem possible to receive payments to bank accounts outside the US. Are there any plans to support this in the future?

You’re correct, that is not possible at this time. We plan to get there and make that an option, but it’s not likely to be for a little while.