Beginner Box Adventure - Support Thread

Remastered and ready for play, the Pathfinder 2e Beginner Box Adventure is available now! This product includes both the full starter adventure ‘Menace Under Otari’ and the solo adventure ‘Pirate King’s Plunder’. It pairs perfectly with the free Pathfinder Primer.

Get your copy on Demiplane by clicking right here.


If you encounter any issues using the Beginner Box Adventure, please let us know here in this thread.


The Deckhand background found on Page 20/21 of Hero’s Handbook appears to be missing in the builder.

Thanks for the report! This should now be available in the builder. (Compendium-wise, it’ll be a part of the remastered primer, once that’s ready to be released!)

I’m noticing a lot of the text does not match the ORC version of the beginner’s box, but rather reflects the original text pre-remaster. The stat blocks all look ORC, however. I pulled up the PDF from Paizo and compared it to the text on Demiplane.

Under the Second Level heading, there is reference to a green dragon, whereas the stat block displays horned dragon (and the text of the PDF uses horned dragon). Zolgran’s opening salvo in the text says she opens with force barrage, but then casts fear if they get past her guards, whereas in the PDF she casts command (which is the spell in her stat block).