I’ve just discovered your website after signing up to a Starfinder 2 session. I wanted to make a borai soldier, but borai isn’t available in the ancestry.
Any ideas? Do I need to be a subscriber? Thank you.
I’ve just discovered your website after signing up to a Starfinder 2 session. I wanted to make a borai soldier, but borai isn’t available in the ancestry.
Any ideas? Do I need to be a subscriber? Thank you.
Hi Eigengrau!
The Borai is a versatile heritage, not an ancestry. Any ancestry can have the Borai versatile heritage.
Once you pick and confirm your ancestry, you’ll have the ability to choose your heritage. Both Borai and Prismeni should appear at the bottom of the list of your standard heritage options:
Hope that helps!
Ah, thank you for clearing that up for me. As you can tell I’m very new to the rules.
As an aside, I misread your name as Melle Mel, so if you ever wanted to create a 1980s hip-hop themed character, there’s your chance. Cheers.
Gonna have to keep that one in my back pocket.