Browser rendering issue - duplicate class options

It happened twice to me today:

The Class Options during the build are showing me duplicate
Also, when you select the first, the duplicated one is also selected

That comes and go between page reloads on Google Chrome & Chromium on Linux - haven’t tried to replicate it on other browser

  • Chrome 110.0.5481.77 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • Chromium 110.0.5481.77 (Official Build) snap (64-bit)
    since it’s the same 'renderer" it might be related and affecting other browser sharing it…


I’m able to re-create “at will”

When, either initially or after changing class, you click more than once on the “Select {class name}” before the page refreshes and shows you the actual class you selected (because the UI might be slow, you might think it didn’t register the click) then you’ve got entries duplicated, or even triplicated…

Thanks for reporting. Yes, this is a result of clicking multiple times on the ‘select class’ button in the builder, causing those options to duplicate while the class options load. We’re working on finding a fix. :slight_smile:

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There seems to be some kind of similar behaviour in the Character Sheet, I sometimes have Spells, Equipment, Feats etc duplicated more than once. I can’tg replicate consistently though.

If you can give us the number at the end of the url for the characters that do have duplications, we can try and do some digging on our end too. :slight_smile:

I was playing around too much with the few character I’ve built, I don’t remember which one and by trying to replacte it, I can’t see it anymore.

Okay, if you do see it happen again, please let us know. :slight_smile: