Bug? Crash Down Discipline power missing from the list

Potence Level 4 power “Crash Down” is missing from the list of powers available.

The power can be found in Players Guide page 79, it is on the digital version of the book here in demiplane, but not on the list of powers under “game rules”.

This is the power:

Level 4



Soaring Leap

Having honed their capabilities, the vampire now sticks the landing on their Soaring Leap in a big way. The vampire can come to an unstoppable halt at their location, causing damage to anyone they land on or around.

Cost: One Rouse Check

Dice Pool: Strength + Potence

System: Upon using Soaring Leap, the vampire may activate Crash Down, and deal damage to a small area of effect. Anyone within a three-meter radius is subject to an attack roll of the user’s Strength + Potence against their Dexterity +


, suffering Superficial Damage equal to the margin. Anyone suffering three or more levels of damage or a total failure on their defense test is knocked down (see Vampire: The Masquerade, Total Failure).

Duration: N/A

Thank you for the report, we’ll take a look! (And glad you’ve pointed out, since I’m playing a potence-favoring Nos right now…)


Just updated that we’ve sorted this out, and it’ll be in our next patch update!


Ah sweet!! That’s great news, thank you for addressing this one.
Hahaha, great for your nosfie! The power was pretty cool to try out in my session :slight_smile:
Makes soaring leap so so cool, and combined with wrecker you can just become hulk >:)

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