BUG REPORT + Edgerunners Neuralport

As per Edgerunners kits rulebook:
every Character can choose to install Neuroport (see page 35) cyberware. If they do so, it is free of charge, costs 0 Humanity Loss, and doesn’t lower Maximum Humanity,

However Demiplane is charging 7 (2d6) Humanity for a 2077 neural port (not to be confused the 2045 Neural Link)


Hi sharkfin!

If you have Edgerunners mode turned “on”, a Neuroport chosen in the character builder will cost 0 eurobucks and humanity.

i do have edgerunners turned on, and its costing me 7 humanity, and max 2.
This is on a nomad. If i do it on a medtech it works as it supposed to, i think there is an interaction with the nomad Neural link causing the issue, even if i delete the neural link to get full humanity, then add the neural port, it charges me 7 just changes the charge from link to port in the breakdown.

Hmm, and to verify this is in the character builder, not the sheet, right?

Would you mind dropping a link to the affected character? We’ll take a look at what’s happening there!

In character builder as a nomad i have no choice but to take a neural link, no option that i can see to reject the neural link, then you can add a free neural port and end up with a char sheet that just shows the neural port, charges you 7 humanity (and 2 max) and in the breakdown says its the neural link. But i cant see the independent neural link to remove in Character sheet mode.

If you decide to not get the neural port in builder, and go to char sheet, you can now delete the neural link to get your humanity back, then add a neural port and it charges you 7 humanity and the breakdown lists it as the port.

So i think its an interaction with the Nomad starting with a neural link automatically in RED

Ok i figured it out.

  1. Create in builder nomad with neural link. do not add Neural port in builder.
  2. Go to character sheet, delete neural link
  3. go back to builder and now add the free neural port
  4. go back to char sheet and viola, no humanity cost.

Thank you so much!! We will dig into this and get it sorted.