Bug report: search tool issue

When selecting the magnifying glass tool to search: Search results for '' - Demiplane Forums the keyboard pops up and then disappears on my mobile device. I and using Motorola G7 with Android Os v10, and Gboard virtual keyboard. Not being able to search my core docs is a non-starter for me

Thanks for letting us know @agilemartialartist. In order to fix the issue, would you mind letting me know if you’re searching within the forums or if you’re searching within the app? And then can you send me which browser you’re using? Thank you!

Not my thread, but same issue.
(only on mobile)
only when when in the app, say reading the CRB, and try to search.

Pixel 3XL (formerly known as Nexus, ironically)
Chrome browser
Android 11

Another mobile glitch:
app>nexus>game_rules> [feats] & [Items] & [Spells] & [Backgrounds]
after searching any name, then {backspacing} the first character will NOT delete, and keeps the query active for that letter.
have to reload the page to get the stuck character to delete.
Does not seem to happen in sub menus [creatures] [Ancestries] [Archetypes] [Classes]

Pixel 3XL
Chrome browser
Android 11

Thanks for this information @bullionsmash. I will bring it to our team and work on resolving the issue. If you notice anything else in the meantime, please feel free to reach out. We really appreciate the information and feedback! Thanks!