BUG REPORT: Take Squire

As noted on their Discord in attached Image the RPG team asked me to pass this along as their are two different talents for Take Squire one related to Windrunner and one related to Lightweaver but the talents are named the same in the system and cause issues when looking up that skill
So it seems Take Squire should be broken up same as the Ideals ie Take Squire (Windrunner); Take Squire (Lightweaver)

Thank you, this should now be fixed!

It is not. While they are now split, The windrunner/honorspren one uses the description of the Lightweaver talent and not the correct windrunner one (which notes you get a number of squires equal to 2x your level)

Should be this one for windrunner/honorspren

Thanks for the double-catch! We’re digging into it. :smile: