BUY ITEM button in inventory

It would be so helpful if, when adding a new item to your inventory, you could choose to have it automatically deduct the item’s cost from your stored currency. Here’s a mock-up of the UI; I used MS paint and I am no artist, don’t judge.


No judgment here, that’s a better mockup than I could do! I agree it would be really cool if there was a way to automatically deduct currency without needing to manually change the values. I’ll pass the suggestion along to the rest of the team.



Every time I make a character I have to keep a running tally of silver or credits spent to make sure I can afford the things I want for them… it would be great if we could, perhaps, have a setup like in the Fallout games: I click on things I want, it gives me a running tally of how much those things will cost, and I can remove things from my list (for a return of the full price) before buying them.

That way I can decide if I REALLY need that injector pistol for my Starfinder Medic, or if I can just get away with spending the action to move close.

Thank you for this idea!

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Eve I was really surprised to learn that this functionality didn’t exist. Any word on if this is planned for the future?

No official word yet but I’ve made sure that our development teams know this is something folks would really like to see.

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