Character Search Filters

Can we get a search filter system for character profiles? Like searching for specific teams, ranks, traits, tags, power sets, etc?

I think it would help for players selecting characters or creating games. For example, I’m about to run Enter Hydra, and my players are supposed to pick Rank 3-4 Avengers. A filter system would help them see their options, and I wouldn’t have to spend 2 hours going through the list and writing down who I see that fits.

Or, let’s say I’m writing a One-Shot/Single Issue that takes my players into a fight with Hydra. I could use a filter search to find character profiles associated with Hydra that don’t necessarily have Hydra in their name so I can get some inspo as to who I want my players to encounter.

Happy to pass on the request! (This is something I’ve been wanting, as well!)

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I second the request for search filters. At a bare minimum, having it sorted alphabetically would help tremendously for those of us with hundreds of characters.

I’ll get your voice added to that request!