Character sheet incredibly slow

Today is the day my group decided to move away from Demiplane as players.
The character sheet is so incredibly slow, that it slows down the speed of the game. It doesn’t matter if they are on 5G or wifi - the result is the same.
Honestly, as a GM, I can understand them. They were all used to DnDBeyond, and even in Beyond’s fairly dubious state, it still outperforms Demiplane by a significant amount. I remember back in the day when I worked with frontend design, any load times over 6 seconds meant a lost customer.
As a GM, I’m not going anywhere, but I think it is a shame - I really had (and have!) such high hopes and good wishes for Demiplane. But it seems that far too much effort has been put into introducing new systems, while speed optimization has not been on the roadmap.
This makes me wonder, if we are the only group experiencing these issues? Also, is there anything we can do about this from our end?

Hey novaree, I’m working under the assumption that you’re using the Pathfinder 2 character sheet so please correct me if I’m wrong. On my end it definitely takes somewhere close to 20 seconds to load the initial character, some loaded much more quickly some took a little longer but 20 seconds was about average.

Once the character was loaded however I had no problems with load times even when going back into the character builder to handle a level up. This was on mobile connected to wifi. I’d be interested to know where they’re seeing these load times happen since improving the general speed of the sheet is something our dev team has been very focused on.

Also, would you be able to share a link to one of their character sheets so that I can try to replicate the loading issues on one of their sheets?

Hey Eve,
Absolutely! Here’s a link to Cynemund, one of the characters that was deemed too slow:

Is it because they’re all running Legacy characters?
On that note: It would be cool if we could have a switch for characters, so they’d never display any legacy or non-legacy content. One can wish :slight_smile:

When I loaded the linked character it took 20-25 seconds to load and about 1 second for information to load when switching from tab to tab on the sheet. This was on PC since I don’t have the forums set up on my phone.

I then made a copy of the character which took about 15 seconds to load and went to the character builder which again took roughly 15 seconds. I don’t think it’s because they’re legacy characters since they loaded okay for me.

I’d be really curious to know what they’re doing when they notice the slowness as well as any information about the device/browser they’re using to connect. In my case all my testing has been via Firefox either for PC or mobile and my mobile testing was done on an iphone 14 pro max.

I’ll also go ahead and pass along that request for a toggle to display legacy/remaster content only. Currently we default to only showing remaster content which I know can be troublesome for folks still using legacy content.

Arh, could be it’s because my players use their mobile phones, and perhaps they are too slow? Or because they use a slow browser (Safari or Opera)? I’ll try to convince them to try out Firefox on their mobile for our next session :slight_smile:

Also, thank you for bringing forth the legacy switch. I think it would be a wonderful addition :slight_smile:

It’s possible that will help but I want to be clear it’s not a guarantee. There’s some processing that is done on the device itself and a bit more that’s done by the browser but let me know if they continue to experience slowness with as much additional information as you can provide so that I can pass it along to our dev team.