Cleric Domain

For some reason it won’t let me assign the domain for my cleric. It says 0/1 but it won’t let me actually select one.

Anyone able to help me out with this?

Hi there nick.speth, welcome to Demiplane!

I’m not able to reproduce that on my end. Would you be able to share the character link with me? You can go to the character sheet, then click on the character name to open the settings sidebar. At the bottom of that you can grab the share link and set it to share with the link.

Actually, one of our team members has sharper eyes than me and may know what’s happening here!

Is this character a Beta character? You’ll see a “Beta” flag on them on the Characters page:

If it is in beta, that may be why! If you create a new character, you should be good to go.

That worked! I don’t know how it was on beta. Thank you!

So glad that worked! Happy to help. :blue_heart: