Creating a DemiPlane for a Game / System not listed on the drop down list

When I’m creating a new demiplane, it looks as though I’m constrained to the games/systems listed in the drop down.
How do I add a new game or system to the list, or get a free typed one accepted?
For example, I can select ‘New World of Darkness’, but there is not a Changeling: the Lost. I can select ‘Gumshoe’, but not Fear Itself.

In the short term, you’re welcome to select Other from that dropdown menu. But if you have a recommendation for a game that isn’t listed and you believe it should be, feel free to share it here so we can prioritize new additions when time allows. :slight_smile:


I’ve been thinking about the response above (thanks for getting back so quickly btw)
There are a heckuva lot of games on my shelf - Whilst I could submit a request for each one as I come to play it, then wait for a response, that seems like an inefficient process.
Can we have a user defined free input? I get that you may want to monitor for typos (best case scenario), duplicates, and offensive entries (worst case)

Thanks for the request and feedback here. We don’t have any short term plans for what you mention with the user-defined input - that’s a tough one with anything in a system that relies on “verified” information to make matchmaking work.

However, we are definitely sensitive to the issue of not having the game you want to play or run available, so we’ve been giving that thought. We’ll see what we can do about it as we progress.

Thanks again!

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+1 on other games or systems to list.
Games I looked for but couldn’t find below:
Year Zero Mini/Light
Tri Stat Core
Sword of Cepheus
Magic World
Mythrus Imperitive
Cepheus Engine (Light/Atom)

What would y’all think about maybe making it easier to submit/suggest games for approval? For instance, a prompt within/next to any game system selection menu that says something like “System not listed here? Suggest one by clicking here!”

Of course, depending on how many suggestions there are, that may end up becoming untenable in the long term, but it seems like it’d at least be worth trying out.

We’re still exploring what options make the most sense to avoid a significant amount of manual work sorting through suggestions. In the meantime, folks can continue to use the ‘Other’ option in that dropdown list.

A good way to gauge the popularity of games that are actually played the most and would benefit the most players from being added to Demiplane is by monitoring the number of games for each system on

Sorry for necroposting, but this way Demiplane wouldn’t have to ask its users for votes on systems, which is a hackable approach.

Looking at trying to run Hero Systems, Vampire 20th anniversary or a Legend of the Five Rings game. Any way to add them?

Welcome to the community Pataine! I’ve got your request documented so that our team can take a look at potentially adding those systems.