Can I pay one Stress to use Deft Maneuvers to bypass the Agility roll and spend another Stress to activate Charge ability of my Firbolg? So basically for 2 Stress I can auto hit all the targets in Far Range for 1d12 physical damage?
You can mark a Stress to move anywhere within far range without making an Agility Rollto get there.
Charge: When you succeed on an Agility roll to move from Far or Very Far range into Melee with one or more targets, mark a Stress to deal 1d12 physical damage to all targets.
You’re right on the stress cost and the way the abilities combine, but I want to clarify you don’t auto hit ALL adversaries within Far Range: Only the targets that were in Far range that you then moved into Melee range with. Say, If there are two targets and both are in Far range of you, but are far enough away from each other that you couldn’t be in Melee of them both at the end of your move, then you could only hit the one you end up in Melee with. Like, if one target is north of you, and the other is west of you, there’s no way you can end up in Melee with them both at Far range.
But, if you’ve got a group of adversaries clumped up together, then you’re straight bowling! 
Nice!!! Thanks for the clarification.
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