Demiplane and Roll 20 what do we get?

Hey all sorry if this has been posted before I am not a big forum guy or know how to find things well.

I have a question of what comes with this Roll20+Demiplane Nexus and Subscription.

For example I have the Remaster Core/Nexus and a subscription to SHARE content. If my players make characters now on demiplane what does this do on the roll 20 side? If they click skills/abilities on demiplane does it roll to roll20 screen or only the group screen app within Demiplane. I love the Demiplane sheets but the graphic and map portion of Roll20 just trying to understand how I can have them easily use their characters to spit out rolls or anything to Roll20. Is that possible?

I’m also not sure if this has been asked on the forums before, at least directly. Currently there’s no direct integration between the content available on Demiplane and Roll20. The good news is that we’re actively working on integration so that content owned on Demiplane can be used within a Roll20 game. I can’t share too much about how this is going to work just yet but keeping an eye on the Roll20 blog is never a bad idea for things like this.

I hope this answers the question! Let me know if there’s anything else you need.


Thanks Eve that is fine! If I have a char and demiplane and want to click or use abilities from it, they will roll into the “Demiplane Group”
I made or just on a character?

Currently no, rolling an ability from the character sheet will not share it to the group that you’re in. Yesterday however we added the ability for a player to share their screen with a character and you can see what they rolled that way.

…players can share their screens with a character…?
Does this mean share character sheets?
Does this mean share screens?
Does this mean share character rolls?
I just need some clarity here.