Demiplane Feature Suggestion - Custom DC Info

One of the things I’ve been doing with my characters is change the names of spells and cards to fit my PC’s playstyle.

A great example of this is my Clank Wizard, who is more-or-less a tech bot. I would take a normal codex like Book of Illiat and swap the names of the spells in the book for more technological ones. The spells themselves operate the same way, with a little narrative flair from me - they are entitled something different.


Currently I’m managing these changes in an Excel document for each character, but I would love the ability to modify the card itself, so that my loadout on DP reflects my name changes. I am thinking of something similar to how you can customize weapons and armor currently.

I know that there are other mechanics behind the scenes working that when a certain card (like BARE BONES) is in your loadout, it effects other areas of the character page automatically.

I am not (yet) suggesting a fully customized spell creation system at this time. That wouldn’t be appropriate for release of the game, but perhaps something down the line could be considered. Rather, this would just edit simple portions of existing DC’s.

Thoughts on the possibility for this? A man can dream…


I would also love a feature like this!

Our goal would be to allow the full customization of cards once we have our homebrew system up and running.

However, we usually do allow overriding names of various elements in our sheets as a basic method, so I’ll add this to our list.

Thank you


Thanks molster! Please know that I greatly appreciate all the work that Demiplane continues to do towards helping this game come to life!

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I see that this request has been implemented, and the name of cards can now be customized!

Thank you so much for listening to the community and constantly improving the features of this site! :100: :boom:

I would still LOVE to see this same ability for the individual names within a DC as well - like how CODEX’s have three different spells within a single tome.

So, I’m bumping this topic for that feature, in hopes that it can be integrated as well!! :pray:

(the same applies for the class, subclass, ancestry, and community information)