Demiplane Joins the Roll20 Family!

0 interest in Roll 20, not going to use it. As long as we get an agnostic API and PDF support, it’s all good. Got the whole bundle and invested in PF2E and hoping that I can use it with other TTRPG’s otherwise it will be useless to me and just go back to Pathbuilder.


Sorry, this is really terrible news. I don’t use Roll20 anymore and was hoping to avoid any interaction with them. So long as the digital tools on Nexus continue to improve (and they have, especially the PD2E chargen) and the Paizo Account Link stays active, I’ll keep using it. I went full into both the rules and setting books and would hate to have to stop because of some nonsense that Roll20 does.

So time will tell I guess.


I’ll confab with the Roll20 survey folks and see if that’s something I can share insights on! I can at least speak to your comments about using Demiplane with theater of the mind–there’s no intent to hide Demiplane behind VTT capabilities! The goal will be to allow you to use Demiplane whether you play in person, with theater of the mind, or with VTT.

Glad to share that PDF export is in progress right now! The work on that will help build the foundation for other forms of export that we hope to offer in the future.

Welcome to the forums, randeth! Our relationship with our friends at Paizo and all of the folks who use our tools to play Pathfinder 2e (and who will use them for Starfinder 2e!) is incredibly important to us. :blue_heart:


Definitely looking forward to that and continued progress here on Demiplane! I know situations like these will bring out the skeptics, but it’s warranted in many cases as gamers see their favorite video game or board game get bought by a big company and much of its core essence changes.

Thanks for your continued optimism and responses Millie. I’m just a big proponent of freedom, Pathfinder is more free than D&D and was my original big draw to it years ago. My hope was (still is) that Demiplane with its ability to be open to many games can follow that into other options such as connectivity and flexibility. Being the site that built itself to be able to parse and be supportive of multiple games, and then limit yourself as to which VTT’s after all that work would be a massive shame and self imposed limitation.


I’m really glad to hear that PDF export is being actively worked on. It is the one serious feature that two of my tables are waiting on before adopting Demiplane.

That being said, it will be a harder sell now that you all are owned by Roll20, for one of my tables. They’ve specifically said they want nothing to do with Roll20. It has a bad reputation for technically quality and customer service. This is exactly the opposite of my experience with the Demiplane team.

I really am hoping that you all can change the dynamics over there instead of the other way around. I’m a huge fan of Demiplane and everything you’ve done.


For those of use who bought into discounted bundles, will that discount survive as the two platforms merge?

Nothing I can share at this time as far as how/if discounts will work across platforms, but your Demiplane discounts (for example: a Pathfinder Ultimate Bundle) will still apply to the Demiplane purchases they are built to apply to.


Any update on the companies that have not gotten back to Demiplane/Roll20 regarding cross platform access to content purchased on one of the two systems? Question is about all the holdouts, but I’m thinking specifically about Marvel. Is the silence a “we need more time to run this by legal”, or a lack of communication? Can anyone be poked while you’re at GenCon together? :slight_smile:

Hi Fuzzy! No updates yet, but the conversations are still happening. Simply a matter of bigger companies needing more eyeballs on things. We’ll update as soon as we can, though. :blue_heart:


I’m still waiting on news for cross-compatibility between Roll20 Demiplace and Marvel Multiverse.

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Discussions are still ongoing! :smile:

Get those lawyers some coffee! They need to work faster!!

Approaching three months at this time.

Hi @mhenson951!

Doing like-for-like content in this way requires lots of dev work to make happen properly. I can assure you that the tech teams on both Roll20 and Demiplane are working on the solutions, as this is very important to us – along with longer term integrations between the platforms. The future is very bright, but in order to build that future, skilled engineers have to do the work first. :blue_heart:


This is the most communication on either platform that I have seen. As someone who bought in to roll 20 and PF2 on nearly every product source book they have and nearly every module, the handling of the line has irritated me. I asked in June of '19 on their forums if THEY would have their character builder up at release, they said a bit after. Three years later Roll 20 finally removed it as a feature, but last year began developing the new sheet and builder, and scrapped it. I have no faith in their ability to deliver, they do not communicate on this at all. But hey, their 5E 2024 sheet gets lots of love. Why should we have any hope that this will be done before another edition of Pathfinder is released? On Roll 20, we have been waiting for five years, and most PF2 players abandoned ship to competitors. I realize this is Demiplane, but they cancelled all development on the new sheet after the acquisition.

Hi mhenson951!

I appreciate you sharing your concerns. I don’t think there’s anything I can say to you at this time that will assuage your fears here, but I will say what I can, and I’ll simply ask that you keep your curiosity alive for what we have to come.

Paizo is a confirmed partner who has agreed to offer like-for-like content between Demiplane and Roll20. That’s not an instantaneous effort on our side, as there’s a combination of long-term and short-term planning, manual effort, database work, technical development, and marketplace delivery. I can say that all of these different pieces are actively being worked on, but each piece may arrive at different times as opposed to concurrently. Some different pieces may or will be:

  • New product tie-ins, where the product on Demiplane grants you VTT benefits on Roll20 (so rulebook/characters on Demiplane, VTT benefits on Roll20). Our initial test of this was with the Cosmic Birthday release for Starfinder. Roll20 has offered a “play-set” on the VTT for it, which works in concert with the Demiplane offerings.

  • New product combo purchases, where with one purchase you get content on both Demiplane and Roll20. You’ll see some initial approaches to this in the not-too-distant future. :wink: (Soon :tm: )

  • Like-for-like content granting. Where if you currently own something like Player Core on Roll20, you’ll get that title on Demiplane which will unlock everything in the character tools and digital book (and vice-versa for Demiplane-first customers)

  • Longest-term: Demiplane characters and Roll20 VTT integration. The technical teams on both platforms are already working together on this, and building the roadmap of steps that will be taken to make this happen. However, we have confirmed that the intent is for us to have Demiplane/R20 integration when Cosmere RPG is officially released in 2025.

I wish it was quite as simple as clicking a button, but these things absolutely take time, effort, and development from a lot of different teams, along with the involvement of our license partners. So again, while I can’t provide you with firm dates, I can at the very least confirm this is very important to us and the whole Roll20 organization, and it’s actively being worked on every week.

Hope you stick with us, even if it’s just an occasional check-in to see if there are any new updates. Appreciate your curiosity!


Can you guys pick up the slack on the roll20 app and change it be the demiplane app and give us the d&dbeyond for everything else ? In addition to that since d&d beyond does support click to roll from your sheet to almost all the vtts out ATM and has an easy easy API to integrate would you guys be able to do something similar so we can use demiplane for sheets on desktop or mobile and have the roll buttons send it to wherever even if the gm has to find the correct addon module or API plugin? I’m super excited for cyberpunk red to get here and I see you guys already adding the dlcs in only hiccup is getting my roll20 linked to my demiplane so my purchased books and PDFs from drivethru and marketplace transfer to you guys to have a reliable homebase of operations and I can use whichever vtt that week with much greater flexibility (alchemy is great for RP scenes and totm but foundry offers me the tools I need for very very crunchy tactile combat being able to use both with a demiplane int would be preem chooms)