Been a few weeks, please keep this updated. Where are we at in like for like purchases and how is integration coming along. Please remember that many of the Roll 20 purchasers have been waiting for over 5 years for functional content.
Hi mhenson951!
We’ve got various products starting to come out as Like-for-Like or with a core Demiplane product that comes with a free VTT Companion.
We also announced just yesterday that Marvel has joined us in our Like-for-Like initiatives, which means the new Spider-Verse pre-order gets you content on both platforms, and we’ll be offering similar benefits for prior titles in early 2025.
I’m also happy to share that our friends at Free League have also agreed to like-for-like, which will also be coming in early 2025!
I am mostly interested in Pathfinder 2E, where at the moment it was only the 4 core books to date. Not the several hundreds of dollars, or more, of content that I have already purchased in multiple locations, including Roll 20. I am eagerly awaiting the rest of that here.
Still in the process, but we’ll have more news for Pathfinder fans soon!
Just curious about some of the integrations with systems, specifically Cyberpunk Red. I’ve bought all my PDFs on DriveThruRPG, but have not picked up the Roll20 VTTs. To get access to the Demiplane Cyberpunk Red Nexus rules, will I need to buy additional access, will my PDF purchases give me access, or will I need to buy the Roll20 VTT integrations?
Hi ngetaco, welcome to Demiplane!
Cyberpunk RED is not currently a part of the Cross-Platform Sync offering (as a whole, some titles will be available) but we’re continuing to work with all of our publishers on getting their libraries included.
To answer your question more generally, currently the Cross-Platform Sync will be between Demiplane and Roll20, not DriveThruRPG. If that changes in the future, we’ll shout from the rooftops!
Thanks for clearing that up. The text has been a bit ambiguous for me in the announcements, usually saying “syncing” very broadly. So I appreciate that clarification and will look forward to more news.