From 7/11/2023 Dev Update
Latest Updates
Pathfinder NEXUS
- (Live Now!) Highhelm, Stolen Fate Finale
- (Soon) Harrow Deck
- Character Tools
Avatar Legends NEXUS
- (WIP) Character Tools
- Character Tools sneak preview
- (WIP) Early Access by EOM
Vampire / Hunter
- (WIP) Player’s Guide, Lines Drawn in Blood
Pathfinder NEXUS
- Character Tools Open Beta Features
- Content - Rage of Elements
- Pathfinder Remaster Project
- Early Access Target - July
Character Tools - Next Games
- Avatar Legends
- Vampire: The Masquerade
- Marvel Multiverse RPG
- 5e
Giveaway: We gave away a Pathfinder Lost Omens Bundle. Join us live in future weeks for a chance to win more cool things! (Tuesdays at 9am Pacific)
Any estimate when the Vampire character tools and the Vampire Players Guide are going live?
We received the files for the Player’s Guide a little later than usual, because some changes were made after the initial PDF release, and we were asked to hold off until we could get the updated files. We’re close with that book though, so we should have an update to share before the end of the month.
The character tools are also in active development, and while we can’t give any concrete dates yet, I would expect we’ll have more to share on that front by early Q4 at the latest.
Not sure if this has been covered elsewhere, but are there plans to support Pathfinder Society options in the character builder?
Yes! We will be supporting Year 5 of Pathfinder Society, and with that support we intend to have our character tools support PFS legality.
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