Digital book text color is too light on all my devices

How do I change the text color? It’s too light.


Hey Gorknar, we don’t have a way directly through Demiplane to change the font color. I double checked a couple of books and it’s showing up correctly as a dark black on my end. You might be able to change the font color through your web browser, I also know that there are certain browser extensions that will change fonts and other aspects of a webpage. You might double check to be sure you don’t have an extension on your devices causing this or possibly check another web browser entirely.

I think I encountered something similar when in Privacy mode (I tried Microsoft Edge and Chrome) but not logged in and viewing a publically available character sheet. The text is white instead of black.

I’m more curious what that full sheet looks like…

Hey CrankyRobo, could you link me to the sheet you tested this with? I want to see about replicating the issue so we can get it in front of our devs.

Powers and Actions seemed fine. It was the Biography part that had the white text

Thanks for the link. I actually replicated it both signed in and not as well as incognito and not, so there’s definitely something going on with that tab of the character sheet. I’ve got it over to our dev team for further investigation though!

Oh great thank you!