Dungeon Max Feedback 20240715 (Spoilers)

Hi there, with both sky kings tomb and season of ghosts underway, things have gotten busy. The SKT campaign just completed the ritual to reunite the blade and are looking for evidence to set Jirelga free, while the SoG campaign has freed willowshore and made friends with Great Willow by defeating the mycoloid, Xungun.

A few things to report:
SKT team members just got three relics and can’t seem to select the minor gift.

Reading ahead on my iPad for SoG there’s a layout issue.

Still looking forward to shared rolls, a GM campaign view, and other good tools to make running the game easier. Keep up the good work!

Here’s a few more

Very strange, thanks for the call-out! I’ll take a look. :thinking:

I believe I’ve found the issue, and put in a fix. Let me know if those are still showing up strange to you!

Looking good. Thanks for the fix.

While I have your attention, any news on relic gift selection?

Hmm, I believe that we don’t currently have full support in for relics. I’ll have to double check! If I’m wrong, I’ll make sure we dig into the bug. If I’m right, I’ll double-check our ‘future features’ list to ensure it’s on there.

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It’s not going to be an important thing for most people’s games I bet but it’s pretty central to SKT for sure. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s pretty far down the list.

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