Our journey through the darklands bridging the content of book 1 and 2 reached its conclusion as the party encountered traps built long ago by fire giants but more recently repaired by morlocks and then into the cavernous lair of a fire drake. They snuck a single brass coin from its hoard and then got out of there unscathed. Jirelga also gave the party more information about the Endless Gulf and Ether Court as they sat around the camp fire.
This session as a GM I found I really wanted a Demiplane version of the (Remastered) Pathfinder Core GM Screen that Paizo offers including the DCs by level, creature identification table, structure hardness values, conditions, basic actions, etc. on a single page. (As I’ve been advocating for, it would be wonderful if it had dynamically updating summaries of the characters in the party, but even just the static content of the Core GM Screen would be nice to have)