Dungeon Max's SKT feedback session 36 (no spoilers)

Tonight we headed out from the Ether Court at level 6 to start back towards Highhelm, etc. We had a brand new to pathfinder player hop in to check out the game. He used the tools without much help from us to create a character and run it using only the mobile browser edition and I set up a custom “beer and pretzels” hack-and-slash darklands encounter (waves of morlocks and then a fire drake breaking through a wall) with a little lore (the location was an abandoned fire giant forge) and exploration elements (cage and fireball traps with a control panel) to round out the experience for him. Fun had by all.

  • Demiplane allowed his unguided exploration of the mobile app to create a complete character at level 4 including companions, etc. with no prior experience to TTRPG’s (not even 5e)
  • Watching him in play though, it did seem that he had some issues navigating to find the actions tab for rolling attack and damage rolls, and then to the companions tab (he played a beastmaster ranger). I didn’t see it but another player that was helping him was having him have to dismiss some kind of popup to find the roll results. Perhaps that experience can be streamlined, but by the end of a 2.5 hour session he seemed to have figured out how to work around it.
  • We also had to remind him each time about the courageous anthem buff, and this is one in particular is so common that it really should be added to the sheet in some way as a toggle.
  • Our investigator figured out their attack pattern for devise a strategem (rolled 20) and then strategic strike and got a HUGE crit hit on the flame drake.

Thank you as always for these awesome session reports. I especially love hearing about a new player jumping in for the first time! Sounds like you showed them an awesome time as the excellent GM you are. Happy to grab the feedback from the new player!!

As well, with the buffs: we do plan to add toggle-able effects in the future! (We have this built into Cosmere Nexus, as the first place we’ve tested it out, and will be looking to retrofit it into our other Nexuses in the future. Yay!

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One important toggle that could/should be implemented fairly early is an armor don/doff toggle and a shield raised toggle.

While I may not have an ETA on when this would be implemented I’ll make sure the rest of the team knows you’d like to have a toggle to don/doff armor and a way to raise/lower a shield.

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