Dungeon Max's SKT Feedback - Session 41 (spoilers) - A Critmas Special

We all gathered at one player’s house for a gaming session in person rather than online today. Ate dominos and apple danish a la mode, drank scotch and dr. pepper … had a rollies death match tournament with a fresh set of dice for everybody as a prize, and then the party discovered a prisoner of the snake queen… the replacement character for our player that died a couple sessions ago, who came with information about Voxnia as well as about Narsegius and the Bloodbane Coalition. They had a great time RPing for a good half-an-hour and then the boss in the next room got bored and had the wight kick the door down. Brutal combat later against their PL+2 boss baddy, with 38 hit points left out of an initial 135, the boss began to negotiate… “you can go. I’ll tell the morlocks to let you flee…” Our investigator who had taken damage down to single digits of HP wasn’t having any of it though and rolled nat 20 on their devise a strategem die… crit damage for her is 9d6+4 with all the buffs, etc., for 40+ damage (I forget the exact amount) as she sliced of Voxnia’s head with her modded punching dagger to finish off the night and earn the party a level up to 7 with a true Critmas miracle.


  • relics are advancing according to their rules, but by default all the gifts (even major ones) are automatically applied so it’s not as nice as it could be.
  • load times bogged down decision making in some parts of the combat
  • the player with the new character wasn’t sure about their rules for a bunch of things and looking up was also bogged down by load times and lack of documentation links for features like their combination gun axe melee and shoot in one turn, and the vials she gets with the alchemist archetype…
  • there was a request to enable somehow companions to open in their own tab or separate window for our inventor’s robot companion

Anyway… a fun evening and a great session. Happy holidays everyone!

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