Dungeon Max's SoG Feedback - session 15 (light spoilers)

The party continued the journey to the Tan Sugi Monastery, finishing out Day 1 with the haunting and then setting out for Day 2 with an ambush by mandragora roots.

On to the feedback:

  • This session went fairly smoothly and adding the permanent bonus to reflex saves the AP gives you went smoothly on both PC and mobile versions of the site, some players didn’t know where to press but they were able to be helped by the other players to find it.

  • Our mostly adult group is playing with one teenaged player. Everyone is having a good time and no one questions each other’s rolls but his swashbuckler does a lot of damage consistently… a lot of damage. As the GM I kinda wanna bump the request for a shared roll log a little :smiley: not because I don’t trust him but boy it would be great for everyone around the table to see his rolls and groan together as we watch him roll another crit for heaps of damage, plus precision, plus courageous anthem, etc.

  • In fighting the brood leech swarms… this is on me… but using the “sidebar view” I correctly read the entry to identify that they are immune to precision damage, but misread that they are resistant to slashing, instead giving them weakness to slashing because I missed the word “resistances” in the stack. It might be nice if the entry was laid out in a way to make the immunities, weaknesses and resistances more visibly distinct (colors?) in any future GM tools such as an encounter builder

  • When fighting the mandragoras, this is also on me, but it would be nice if enemy actions that have sub-actions also visually assisted the GM in reading the entry such as with colors or links such as how the mandragora has thorny vine that then adds the venom entry below… ( the order of actions and sub-actions in this entry seem a little wonky to me… why would blood drain come before the venom AND the piercing shriek come after it… why would the shriek have nicely newlined CS/S/F/CF results but the venom stages are all inline… )

Anyway, it was a great session and Demiplane made it fun. Thanks!

Thanks as always for the feedback and session log!

We’re definitely going to be looking at improving creatures in the near future… Plus adding additional assistance for afflictions (like Mandragora venom!) and hazards. Excited for when we can have that available for you and other GMs!

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