Feature Request: Allowing for buying multiple discipline powers of the same tier in progress section of character builder

I am building characters and noticed that a rather popular house rule is not currently possible. Would it be possible to add a setting that allows “re-purchasing” a discipline dot so that you can get another power of that same level?

So for example, the house rule allows you to take your Dominate 1, and buy another level 1 power for the 5xp cost instead of having to pay for a level up in the discipline to then choose between either level 2 or 1 power.

Currently, the only workaround is to go onto the character sheet and give a character the extra power and then give them negative xp, which then removes the xp overall. This works but it has the downside of not being able to track overall xp gained/spent over time (which my players like to be able to follow).

It seems like something that would fit nicely in the extra settings tab, so I would love to see this feature added in the future.

Edit: It looks like the application already exists in how ceremonies and rituals are built. They allow you to buy for xp abilities in the same tier. If this could be implemented for disciplines as a variant rule that would be perfect.

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Happy to pass along the request!

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Awesome! Thanks.