Fey Influence Ancestry Feat not available on Elf Inventor

Hey guys,

When I get to level 5 on my Elf Inventor, the Fey Influence Feat is not available in my list of Ancestry Feats.

Is this a bug or a rule I am missing somewhere?

Note: I was able to add them as feats from my character sheet, but there is still two available assignments in the character builder so there is definitely something weird going on.

Thanks for reporting this! Could you please share the character sheet here for us to take a look? To do so, click on your character’s portrait to open the settings sidebar and you can update your share settings at the bottom of that sidebar and copy/paste the link here. :slight_smile:


We’ve release a new version of the character tools since you initially reported this issue, and existing characters have not yet been ported into the new version. If you re-create your character in the new version of the tools, there’s a good chance this is working as expected now. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, this still does not work even with the new character builder.

I can still add the feat manually, but the builder does not let me select the feat.

Here is the new character sheet:

Thanks, we’ll take a look at it!