Flight vs. Levatation

Currently running Cataclysm of Kang. I have one two players with Flight 1 and one player with Levitation. Is there a reason there are two powers that let you move through the air, but one lets you move farther per turn?

I did a quick ruling that the players with flight have to either keep moving (continuing to move on their next turn) or land at the end of their turn. So they can move around quickly, but cannot hover. With the character with Levitation being able to remain stationary in the air.

Did I make the right call? Other character from the book that have flight (Ironman, Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange) can obviously hover in the air, but how do I rule it for my players? Is Levitation a throw away power because Flight is in the Basic Set while Levitation costs a power to get into Telekinesis?

I’m no rules genius but for me flight vs levitation would be a distance and speed thing flight being faster and longer distances levitation being much shorter and slower for example I have a wheelchair using character that has levitation so it means he can handle an inaccessible world or go out the back of the x jet but couldn’t fly across country etc. that would be my thinking but there’s people better than me I’m sure.

Keep in mind that these powers are designed to recreate Marvel Characters. There are characters with Flight and characters with Levitate. Because of the simplicity of the game system it is hard to differentiate the two power wise. It’s really just a flavor choice which one you take. Which one fits the theme of your character.

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