Demiplane is the absolute best Character generator for PF2 on the internet: Any chance of allowing it to interface with some of the Browser based VTTs so players can use it to play? Or is that something the VTTs themselves have to do?
Demiplane is the absolute best Character generator for PF2 on the internet: Any chance of allowing it to interface with some of the Browser based VTTs so players can use it to play? Or is that something the VTTs themselves have to do?
Howdy there qwert! We have nothing to share at the moment on future integration options, but it is definitely something we’re looking at quite seriously. We’ll definitely shout from the rooftops when we have something to share on that front. Thanks so much for the Demi-love!
Thank you! I just want you all to know how much we love and appreciate what you do to help us play our games. Demiplane is fantastic, and I am very grateful for all that you all do!
Critical Success!