[FULL GAME] First Coast by Night V20 Anniversary PbP - Discord/Forums

Name: First Coast by Night
System: Vampire the Masquerade 20th Anniversary
Platform: Demiplane Forums
Post Rate Minimum x2/Week
No. of Players: 3 to 5
Game Description: Following the Sect war and the disappearance of the world’s Kindred Elders, the State of Florida was sucked into a vacuum leading kindred throughout the state to gather in the Northeastern corner vying for powep0r.

The remnants of Florida’s Sabbat packs swept into the city quickly, experiencing early success as the various communities were burned into ruins. Jacksonville was comprised of fledglings and neonates, unable to stem the violence created by the packs. Just as these young kindred were at the edge of the ocean, two groups arrived to challenge the usurpers. Anarchs from Mobile and former Camarilla from Atlanta and Charleston (SC).

The Camarilla and Anarch factions were led by several Ancilla converged on the First Coast in a frenzy onto the various packs. The newest incursion saved the inhabitants of the city and allowed them to gather into coteries and reestablish themselves with safe havens. Eventually, the Anarchs, visiting Camarilla, and neonates agreed to an alliance to rule the city and cooperate in fighting off the Sabbat packs. Seven years of intense fighting almost decimated all of the combatants. No longer able to physically defeat the other occupants of the city, all parties agreed upon a truce.

The city is now ruled by three Ancillae, ((Isaac Valentine)) Cam, ((Angela Crowley)) Sabbat, and ((Name)) Anarchs. There are eight sections in the city controlled by eight young Ancillae which make up a Committee and votes are conducted to make decisions that pertain to the entire city.

Otherwise, each section is unique and sovereign in the nightly activities as a result the rules of one area may not be enforced or observed in another. This practice has allowed the remnants of the three sects to exist without major conflict. The system has worked for five years, but now there are new challenges that may blow the entire experiment into disarray.