Global Filters

Currently you can set filters when you are selecting options in the character builder, but you have to build these exclusions/inclusions every time you select an option.
You should be able to make those choices persistent “Global Filters” that apply to all subsequent selections.
Furthermore when I create a group and invite players to the group I should be able to define the Default Filters for characters made for that group. Additionally, One click filters like “Only Remastered Content” would significantly improve the quality of user experience for both players and DM’s.


Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll take these back to the team and see what we can do to improve the character builder process. As a side note however I did want to point out that the character builder actually defaults to only show remastered content, you shouldn’t be seeing a mixture of both unless you manually enable legacy content.

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I was thinking more like a global filter for just the new Core books.
Player Core(1/2), DM Core, Monster Core, Etc.

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I concur. Currently there is an information overload that is intimidating to more casual players.