Guns & Gears Remaster Character Options

Hi everyone! So we know that Guns & Gears is getting remastered and will release soon (Same with Teasure Vault) it seems that Paizo is stating that if we have a PDF of Guns & Gears we’ll get the pdf for the remaster for free as well. Will this apply to demiplane if we have the demiplane versions of both?

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Hey princesstricky!

Yes, I can confirm that those who bought the Legacy Guns & Gears, will have the Remastered Guns & Gears in their inbox the day of release!

As for Treasure Vault, if we have any updates, we will let you know!

Thank you so much for asking and let me know if you have any other questions :smiley:


Thank you so much for the quick response! appreciate y’all always for your transparency~

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This doesnt seem to be correct, I have the Legacy Guns and Gears, and now the Remaster Guns and Gears is showing up as an additional purchase that I do not own.

Hey there! Yes, on a separate announcement (and realized it was not posted here!). Short version, you will be getting a code shortly if you’re a Legacy Purchaser!

Legacy Purchasers will receive a code in their email by the end of the month (tomorrow the lates!) The process for this is manual, and our team is working on it! When we fully complete the process, we’ll shout from the rooftops so that you know whether you need to reach out to us or not. To note, this is only for the digital book itself. If you own the Legacy edition of Guns & Gears, you should already have access to the character builder options thanks to our powerful dual-sourcing, and of course our listings are always available free to all users. Thank you so much for your patience while we work through the process of delivering codes!

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Should be in your inbox! If you have not received it, please shoot us a Support Ticket!

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I got it. Thanks. Somehow I missed the announcement in the other thread, but I’m all good now. Thanks for the response and for following up, that’s great customer service!

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Haven’t received mine yet, by inbox do you mean our mail inbox? I opened up a ticket!

EDIT: I found it in my spam! highly recommend telling folks to check their spam :slight_smile: