Guns & Gears Remastered - Release Support Thread

Get your toolbox handy and don’t forget to clean your gun between combats—Guns & Gears Remastered is here! Get your copy right now.

This version of the popular Pathfinder 2e title brings each whozit and thingamabob into being compatible with the remaster rules. This version also includes updated functionality on Demiplane for some options like the Automaton and Inventor to improve your character building and playing experience.

I already have Guns & Gears (Legacy), do I need to buy this one separately?

You do not! The wonderful folks at Paizo are granting access to the digital remastered version at no cost to Pathfinders who already have the Legacy edition. On Demiplane, the process for this is manual, and our team is working on it! We plan to get codes to everyone no later than by the end of the month, but plan for sooner. When we fully complete the process, we’ll shout from the rooftops so that you know whether you need to reach out to us or not.

To note, this is only for the digital book itself. If you own the Legacy edition of Guns & Gears, you should already have access to the character builder options thanks to our powerful dual-sourcing, and of course our listings are always available free to all users.

Thank you so much for your patience while we work through the process of delivering codes!


Please let us know if anything misfires or seems unstable here in this thread so that we can take a look.


For some reason the Guns and Gears that I owned was made unowned when it updated in your system.

I should probably learn to read, you mentioned codes. Nevermind, lol

The “Churning Mind” feature in Inventor is completely blank in the character builder for Inventor class. The book says it gives mastery in Will saves, but due to being completely blank in the character builder and not showing up at all in Feat & Features, it does not change the character sheet.


Was updating a character with the Gunslinger class in the Character Builder, but I’m not seeing the replacement for Singular Expertise (Singular Precision) show up. Everything else is showing up, however, from what I’ve experimented with so far.

This isn’t really an error with the guns and gears book… in fact it isn’t an error… but I noticed the pictures of the Inventer and Gunslinger still have the old red background in the Game Rules Classes list.

I guess I’m just waiting for you to manually unlock the remastered guns and gears for me.

A little weird buggy thing going on with prices in the meantime … It’s offering me the remastered guns and gears at a price of 34.99 and the remastered rulebooks bundle is being priced at 37.71 (the only thing I’m missing note is the remastered guns and gears book… I already own all the rulebooks and have NPC Core preordered. )

Hey arirthos, I’m showing it as Slinger’s Precision and it shows up for me. Are you still having trouble finding it?

Edit: I also wanted to add that we found a bug that may have been preventing it from showing up correctly at level 1. We’re currently in the process of getting that fixed.

Hey Eve,

Went in and checked again just now. Still not seeing it show up for the level 1 character I was working with. Might be that bug you mentioned?

Yep, it’s almost certainly the bug I mentioned. We have it fixed on our end but we have to make sure that it’s safe to send to the rest of the site. I don’t have an ETA at the moment but since it’s something relatively small I’m not expecting it to be too long.

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Just wanted to keep an eye on this. Luckily I at least got my free PDF from Paizo but would love to have the Demiplane access soon. Thanks y’all for your hard work!

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Glad you at least have the PDF! I checked in with the folks working on getting that Demiplane access sorted and they’re working as hard as they can to get it unlocked for everyone! Hopefully it won’t be too much longer.


Just checking back in to let you know this bug should be squashed!

Nice. I’m seeing it show up now. Thanks!

And just to confirm, it won’t auto-apply the weapon damage to the attack entry correct?

Correct, it won’t automatically apply damage to the attack but it will show up under Slinger’s Precision to allow you to roll the damage from there if you like.

Just checking in again and it still hasn’t unlocked the remastered edition for me. Is the roll out still an ongoing manual process?

I believe they said end of month. I was just coming on here to ask when they thought they might be done so we know when to pester them… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The challenge of having an outstanding product and service—everyone wants it now! But it’s always worth the wait. Thanks, Demiplane, for always keeping our best interests in mind!

I was wondering why Guns and Gears Remastered was on the “Remastered Rulebooks” bundle and not the larger “Rulebooks Bundle” that includes everything in Remastered plus a dozen more in both 2e and Legacy.

Everything except Guns and Gears Remastered, that is; though it does include the Legacy version. I’ll admit, I was very annoyed after spending a chunk of change on it only to realize that detail afterward.

Glad to see its being worked on and is, at worst, an oversight. Good on the team at Demiplane for working to make good on this. I salute you and the Paizo crew for the dedication to providing a quality product and service.

That’s definitely an oversight, I’ll get that into the Rulebooks bundle right now–so you should see the change in ~5 mins or less!

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