Homebrewed content support

Hi. I know that homebrew support is planned for the 5e nexus release, will homebrew be also available on Cosmere release ?
As pointed on Cosmere discord, we already have the “Devotary of Thirst” official homebrew, and many GM homebrewed the surges not covered in beta material, and also powers from other magic system not planned to be released soon. Item homebrew will also be a big part, since homebrewing items is a part of the rules (see the fabrial crafting preview)
Can we have some clarifications on what will be available at launch ? What I would like to have :

  • Homebrewed actions
  • Homebrewed skills
  • Homebrewed items (partially implemented. ATM you can add a custom item, but only descriptive items. Not possible to add a custom weapon/armor/fabrial)
  • Homebrewed expertises (Already present)
  • Homebrewed ancestries
  • Homebrewed compendium (Allows a GM to share his homebrews to his party)
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Hey Deathpote, welcome to the community! Homebrew support is currently on our roadmap. There’s no news I can share at this time but we plan to have this available with all our NEXUSes. That said, as soon as we have more information to share we’ll make sure to shout it from the rooftops.

Thanks for your reply ! Can’t wait for the release !
An additional thought while I’m here, do you know if character advancement will still be available for existing Cosmere sheets between the end of beta and the official release ?