How do I get my Nexus + codes for Roll20?

Greetings! I recently made the purchase of Monster Core and Player Core 2 here instead of on Roll20. This was because I saw a link that said, " [Purchase the core books on Demiplane] to get full access across both platforms!" So I did. But I have not seen my codes come in, and I’m building a VTT for the multi-table special for a convention next weekend. There’s enough work to be done already, and I gave Demiplane money so I would not have to build all of the monsters from scratch. Can I get my codes, or my money back so that I can just make the purchase and Roll20? Thank you.

Can’t speak for Monster Core, but I was pleasantly surprised Friday evening to discover that I had codes for PC, PC2 and GM Core (as well as 3 months of Roll20 pro) sitting in my promotions spam folder sent back on 9/30

Thanks, but its not there either. Of course, I’m going to be done with my need for it before I get a response from Demiplane.

I’d reach out to support - all of the codes have been distributed yet, so it sounds like there may have been a miss on yours.

I bet we’ll be able to get it resolved by end of day tomorrow or Tuesday.


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Hi folks!

Please do indeed reach out to our Support team if you believe you’re missing a code for either the Demiplane version (if you had the Roll20 version) or the Roll20 version (if you had the Demiplane version). All codes have been sent out, so if you’re missing yours, support can get you sorted!