How do I run an online game?

Hey there,

I’m a new GM and Dagger heart is the first game I have run. I play in person with a group and have never played any ttrpg online. While Demiplane has the character sheets etc for this. I need to have a VTT or something that can be used to show character movement and handle combat.

Is there any cost effective sites that will work with Daggers hearts initiative free system, or any site that I should avoid?
Google just show people selling this system or that.

I’m a big fan of foundry (although I haven’t used it for daggerheart), but depending on how much you want to spend, that might be a little overkill. The other option I would recommend for a simple VTT system is owlbear rodeo.

Owlbear Rodeo is a free VTT, that is designed to handle combat maps only, there’s no automation with it, but that’s one of it’s main selling points.

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Thanks for the info! Free is a good price point particularly if i dont know how to use the tool! Im gonna mess about with some tutorials.

Thanks again

1 Like is one of the earlier sites that have been doing VTT. It’s mostly free unless you want certain features like their automated lighting which is dynamically generated as the player moves their character tokens around. There is also a charactermancer which they are like in beta for which helps players create their character sheet and level up by automatically adding text for skills and spells, the limitations of this free feature is that some of the options for character creation and development is limited by which books you have unlocked through the roll20 store. Which when you want to mix and match from multiple books or want to use some obscure character skills or spells the charactermancer can be less useful than simply having a PDF and using copy and paste. But their maps and combat tracking is amazing. Players if they so choose to have their character sheets stored digitally can roll for things straight from their character sheets by clicking on the things like their weapons or skills. It’s easy to learn and easy to use, very user friendly. The only real downside to using them over another VTT. Is that they do not limit themselves to D&D or D&D like systems such as pathfinder, but have like hundreds of different systems they cater to. And just like any multitool it does not do specifically one thing better than a single purpose tool but because it does so much across so many things and they are always improving and adding new features. So although they are arguably not as good as specifically D&D specified features as another VTT that was built from the ground up to specifically support D&D, because the tools they have are not limited to use by D&D systems, they can be seen as superior. Its the classic jack of all trades situation…

If you’re on Steam just get Tabletop Simulator. Some dude has made a Workshop subscription (all free) for this game for beta testing. It has everything you need. Character sheet, cards, dice, a 3d map you can use with figures. It is amazing.

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