How do I use Demiplane?

Hello! I’m new here. I’m not sure I understand how to use Demiplane.

It seems like it is a site to FIND games. But it also seems to have SOME resources to play games. I’m confused and there’s no real tutorials or anything.

What I’m wondering is do I use Demiplane like a game finding service (like Start Playing site) and then actually PLAY on a full VTT like Foundry?

Or is Demiplane like Roll20 where you are expected to advertise games you are playing on Demiplane only?


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It’s a resource for playing. It’s not got it’s own VTT, but one of the things it’ll let you do in your group page is link to your ‘adventuring platform’ so for example, mine has a link to my discord on it, but I could also set the link to my foundry server. At the moment, I’ve only looked into pathfinder on here and it’s got all the books to read and a character builder in development. It’s got options to cast video and voice as well, so for games that don’t use maps, you can do that entirely on here; but you don’t have to.

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Just like Calexus said, you connect with a group here and then you can link somewhere else. As for the source books, it is a tool to give you easy access to rules and options. For example, using the adventure source book will allow you to open a creature stats block on the the side so you can see it simultaneously with what you are reading or looking at.

Thanks folks! Always on the lookout for useful tools for gaming!

I appreciate you taking the time to explain stuff.

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so when you add a link to a VTT platform, does that do anything in Demiplane, e.g. show the vtt where the video conf would be or just display it to the group?

I’m not 100 % sure, but we just open the link and use the VTT while using the voice function through Demiplane. Maybe you can share the VTT screen on Demiplane, but if you can I don’t know how.