Daggerheart is currently in open beta, and by using Daggerheart NEXUS, you’re participating in a playtest!
If you have feedback about the game, here’s the best way to provide it.
On your character sheet, you can find a “Feedback” tab. This contains survey questions from Darrington Press, and some open text boxes to fill in additional information. When you fill this out, the information in the tab is collected automagically to be sent to Darrington Press–which means you can continue to update your responses as you play more, and all versions of your feedback will be accounted for.
Fill in the playtest surveys on Daggerheart.com.
While you can absolutely discuss feedback here on the forums, please note that feedback about the open beta playtest provided on the forums will not be collected and sent to Darrington Press. Please use one of the two feedback options above if you want to make sure your voice is heard!
Meanwhile, if you have feedback or issues to discuss regarding how the digital tools work or look, these forums are a great place to raise and discuss those issues! The Demiplane team will see your digital tool feedback right here.
Thanks for playing, thanks for your feedback, and may you ever roll with hope.