Howl of the Wild - Support Thread

Gather your pack and set out on a grand adventure: Howl of the Wild is here!

This wild-themed rulebook includes a flock of primal-themed options for players and GMs alike. Explore what it has to offer! (But actually: make some surkis. For me. And post some here. Also for me. I just think they’re neat.)

Please let us know if you run into any issues or spot something that needs our attention. Now: follow that trail!



Just wondering if we have an ETA on when Howl of the Wild will be added to the character builder?

Grateful for the addition and it looks great!

Hello! Howl of the Wild has been available in the character tools since May 22nd (the date of this post). Is there a particular option you’re looking for that you’re not seeing there? :smile:

Yes! The Awakened Animal ancestry (and other ancestries) seem to be missing for me.
Do I need to do anything to see it?

Update: It shows for me on a new character, but not my existing character sheet! I’ll just rebuild my character!

Update 2: Looks like it didn’t work for my beta character sheet. But rebuilt, and working wonderfully now!

Aha, beta is the culprit! That’s correct, any ‘beta’ character won’t support post-remaster content. Glad we could figure it out, and hope you enjoy your new Awakened Animal character… It’s definitely one of my favourite ancestries so far!

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In Centaur’s ancestry feat Centaur Weapon Familiarity, the weapons tooltips are missing.