Whenever you take the traits Big or Small and combine them with the defense substitution powers Brawling or Evasion, the modifier to your defense from your size is getting applied twice to the secondary defense. For example:
Big character with Brawling
Melee 5 / Melee Defense 14 (15 - 1 for size)
Agility 0 / Agility Defense 13 (Modified Melee Defense 14 - 1 for Size)
Small character with Evasion
Agility 5 / Agility Defense 16 (15 + 1 for Size)
Melee 0 / Melee Defense 17 (Modified Agility Defense 16 + 1 for size)
So I went back in to the character. Because I was only testing to see if that was an issue, I only selected the origin, the small trait, and the Evasion power. I bought Agility and Resilience up to 5. I had the issue then. I just went back and ‘completed’ the character, spending all the power slots, etc. It resolved itself. I am not sure where the glitch came in.
I am experiencing the same issue. My Agility is -1, Melee score is +5, and I have Big and Brawling.
My Melee defense score is 14 with Big applied, and my Agility defense score ought to be the same due to Brawling. However, it seems to be applying an additional -1 to my Agility defense score, making it 13 rather than 14. I can’t seem to find the source for this additional -1 except Big.
Edit: Changing my Agility to 0 didn’t fix anything, so the issue must be Big applying its modifier twice.
So I was working on a character with Big. Might 3, Agi -1. Takes Brawling. Everything works. Defense is currently 12, 12.
However adding Growth 2, Shapeshift (Disguise) - he should be able to shift from the size of a normal person Def 13, to Big (his innate), Huge should be Def 11, and Gigantic Defense 10.
That definitely doesn’t work. On the Growth power if I switch it to None, he has 12 Def on both, but selecting any other size throws all the numbers off. Brawling doesn’t work with Growth and it’s basing all the size change effects off the modified number from Big, so an additional -1.