Book of Korvax
**Levitation:** Make a **Spellcast Roll** to temporarily lift and move a target you can see up into the air within close range of where it currently is.
So, is this just levitation straight up within 30 ft, or is it more like a mini-telekinesis where you can both lift and move them horizontally within 30 ft (close range)?
The “up into the air” seems to be in favor of the former, whereas the “lift and move” portion leans to the latter.
I’ve taken that as straight up and down, but I’ve just realised I’ve largely brought that idea over from the DnD equivalent spell. “Within close range of where it currently is” suggests that the airborne target can be moved in any direction that is within close range. There’s nothing that specifically locks its effects into verticality, and comparing it the Arcana Domain’s Telekinesis spell (the closest parallel, and one that is twice the domain level), it doesn’t seem to be OP or make the more powerful spell redundant or anything:
“Make a Spellcast Roll against a target within far range. On a success, you can use your mind to lift and move it anywhere within far range of its original position. If you want to throw the lifted target as an attack, make an additional Spellcast Roll against the target you are trying to hit. On a success, deal d12+4 physical damage using your proficiency, then the spell ends.”
Based on the fact that Levitation uses the term “temporarily” to describe its effects and Telekinesis doesn’t, it would seem to me that it could be used in terms of a “temporary condition”, which just means the GM can use Fear to cancel end the spell if they decide it benefits the story to do so.
So, my take is that it is a less reliable version of Telekinesis, with a smaller range and no offensive use. 
(Thanks for asking this questions, I would never have questioned my own preconceived assumptions about this spell if you hadn’t brought it up, and I might have given my players a disadvantage in game!)
Great reply. You got me thinking about this even more. As part of a Grimoire, IMHO it certainly should be somewhat nerfed in comparison to a full-fledged version of Telekinesis, as there are other spells within the Codex for use alongside this one.
With all spells, the caster should be able to drop the spell at will whenever a temporary condition is placed upon the target.
My curiosity about this spell originated because I felt that it could be a very good crowd control tactic… especially if there happens to be a bottomless chasm within close range?