Looking for 1 more player to add to an existing online PF2 group. We are currently running Outlaws of Alkenstar and just recently started the 2nd book. We have 4 player plus myself as DM, with a plethora of gaming experience. All of us came over from D&D 5e, but a few have PF1 experience as well. I am an old-head DM and player, who has been at this for 40 years, so I have seen a few things over the years. We are a mostly 30+ group and no drama, with 2 Canadians to boot! We play every week, Tuesday nights, 7pm EST to 11pm. We use Zoom for video/voice and I also use Pathbuilder, Demiplane (soon), Owlbear Rodeo2, and Quip. Feel free to message me for more info!